



Since May 2018, the visa regime for Angola has been relaxed. Now invitations are no longer required. Depending on the type of visa, however, there are a few requirements to fulfill. Please contact the relevant authorities for further information. E-visa applications can be placed on the official SME e-visa website.

If you have further questions about the Angolan visa, please contact us directly.


You can also apply for your visa on this website.

Pure and Authentic Tourism Lda

Avenida 21 de Janeiro

n° 14, s.e.q. 3,1° piso, loja 1

Bairro morro bento

distrito urbano da samba

Luanda - Angola



Office:        (+244) 921 289 395

Tel:                (+244) 947 253 684, (+244) 949 613 990

                         (+244) 949 613 990 (Whatsapp | Viber | WeChat | LINE)